Research of Noise Spectrum Characteristics of Traction Motor System for Electric Vehicle 纯电动汽车用电动机系统噪声频谱特性实验研究
Preliminary analysis about noise spectrum of random adrift for dynamically tuned gyroscope 一种动力调谐陀螺仪随机漂移噪声谱的初步分析
This paper uses the method of noise spectrum analysis to analyze the enterprise noise of ferroalloys. 运用噪声频谱分析方法对铁合金企业噪声进行了分析。
Speech Enhancement: Using Burg-Based A Priori SNR Estimator to Eliminate Musical Noise Phenomenon VOICE ACTIVITY DETECTION IN NOISE SPECTRUM DOMAIN UNDER RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION 语音增强:使用burg谱先验信噪比估计消除音乐噪声基于Rayleigh噪声统计分布的有音区检测
Studied also are the noise spectrum characteristics and its relation with air pressure and intermittency during exhaust in addition to ways of eliminating impact noise. 液压系统的冲击、振动和噪声是系统中常见的弊端,采用消波器是减小系统冲击噪声的有效方法。
The Study of the New Measure System for Phase Noise Spectrum 新型相位噪声谱测量系统研究
At the same time, design of acoustical room enclosure is carried out according to the noise spectrum of fan air passage. 同时根据风机和风道的噪声频谱进行了吸声隔声室和吸声隔声罩的设计。
Centrifugal ventilator was taken as the object of study. Make use of the advanced test method and the equipment and test the aerodynamic parameter and the noise of ventilator. Obtained the aerodynamic property and the noise spectrum of ventilator and analysed the test result. 以离心式通风机为研究对象,采用先进的测试手段和设备,对离心式通风机空气动力参数和噪声进行测试,得出通风机的空气动力特性和噪声频谱特性,并对测试结果进行了分析。
The design of a frontend circuit in the shortwave noise spectrum monitoring system is made by utilizing superheterodyne reception and direct digtal synthesis techniques. 利用超外差式接收和直接数字合成(DDS)技术设计了高频地波雷达频谱监测系统的前端电路。
According to gear sifting's vibration and noise spectrum, using inverted frequency spectrum analysis technology of vibration noise signal to have the method of rejecting echo and synthetic analyzed actual measured signal, provided the base for gear shifting box fault of air press. 根据空压机齿轮变速箱振动和噪声谱,应用振动、噪声信号的倒频分析技术给出了剔除反射回声方法,并综合分析了实测信号,为空压机齿轮变速箱故障分析提供了依据。
This paper systematically studies tread pattern noise control from following two aspects: the sound mechanism, the simulation model and the comprehensive evaluation of noise spectrum. And it mainly focuses on the exploration and practice of sound mechanism and the simulation model. 本文从轮胎花纹噪声的发声机理、仿真模型和综合评价三个方面,对轮胎花纹噪声控制进行了系统的研究,侧重于轮胎花纹噪声发生机理和模型的探讨与实践。
To eliminate hydraulic valves noise pressure distributions, cavitation and noise spectrum inside different throttling grooves were studied. 为了消除液压阀中的噪声,对不同节流槽内部压力分布、气穴形态和噪声频谱进行了研究。
Abstract-In this paper, the relationship between phase noise spectrum and signal spectrum of a continuous signal is first of all reviewed. Then, the relation between phase noise spectrum of continuous signal and discrete signal is given. 本文首先介绍了连续信号的相位噪声谱和信号谱之间的关系,同时,写出了连续信号相位噪声谱和离散信号相位噪声谱之间的关系。
The frequency dependence of the detectivity and responsivity and the noise spectrum are measured respectively and analyzed in this paper. 还测量并分析了D~和NEP随频率的变化和噪声频谱。
But the line located in the low frequency of ship noise spectrum has high intensity and stability. This fact provides new idea in estimating target motion parameters. 而处于舰船噪声低频区的线谱具有很高的强度和稳定度,这一事实为估计目标运动要素提供了新的思路。
Calculation of Background Noise Spectrum of IR System 红外系统背景噪音谱的计算
In spectral subtraction, the contribution of the cross-terms of speech and noise spectrum is taken into account. Therefore, the residual noise in the enhanced speech is reduced effectively. 在谱减法阶段考虑了语音和噪声谱的交叉项,有效地减少了增强语音中的残余噪声;
The quantum noise spectrum in demodulating optical PSK signal by delay line is presented. The effects of bit rate and detection condition on the quantum noise are discussed. 本文分析了延迟线法解调光PSK信号时的量子噪声谱,讨论了检测条件、信号传输速率等对量子噪声的影响。
The prediction improved for noise spectrum of two model fans agrees with the measured data quite well. 改进后两个样机噪声频谱预估和实测值吻合良好。
Then the paper puts up the modeling and designing of functions of noise analyzer such as noise spectrum analysis, sound intensity and so on. 进行了噪声分析仪的噪声谱分析、声强分析等功能的建模和设计。
The system was run under a range of operating conditions and results were presented in terms of the noise amplitude of the continuous noise spectrum and the ripple amplitude presented in the output voltage. 结果显示了系统工作在不同的参数条件下,输出电压中纹波电压幅值和噪声电压幅值的变化规律。
The wear can cause great changes in the amplitudes of harmonics of meshing frequency in gear noise spectrum. 齿轮磨损后,其噪声频谱图中啮合频率的谐波族发生了很大变化。
It first introduces several basic parameters in noise measuring, and deduces the sound intensity analysis principle mainly using frequency domain analysis, that is analyzing the principle of noise spectrum analysis from aspects of narrow band spectrum, sound pressure level spectrum, octave spectrum etc. 首先介绍了噪声测量中的几个基本参数,从窄带频谱、声压级谱、倍频程频谱等分析了噪声谱分析原理.主要从频域分析法对声强分析原理进行了详细推导。
The effects of parasitic parameters on the CM noise spectrum are also analyzed. 文章中结合实验结果对电路中的寄生参数对共模电流频谱的影响进行了分析。
The relations of transference coefficients and the ability for quantum state preparation are deduced on the nonideal condition, and the influences of probe input noise spectrum and measurement efficiency of detection system on the measurement criteria are discussed, respectively. 推导了在非理想状态下该系统的传输系数和量子态制备能力的关系式,分别讨论了探针输入噪声谱和探测系统测量效率对其测量的影响。
The noise spectrum induced by single aperture perforation plate has the approximate line spectrum ingredient. 单一孔的穿孔板产生的噪声谱具有大致线状谱成份,较容易产生哨声。
Secondly, the paper focuses on the classical spectrum estimation and parameter model spectrum estimation method in phase noise spectrum estimation and makes a broad discussion. 本文重点讨论了相位噪声谱估计中的经典谱估计和参数模型谱估计方法。
A general model is also established, the amplified spontaneous emission and the reflectivity of both ends is considered, the optical power and noise spectrum is analyzed in detail, the influence of the amplified spontaneous emission is described. 本文还建立了一种通用的模型,把放大自发辐射和两个端面的反射率都考虑进来。对功率和噪声谱做了详细的研究,进而描述了放大自发辐射的影响。
The noise spectrum analysis can effectively predict the trend of corrosion of DSS 2101. 对噪声谱进行频域分析可以有效地预测DSS2101的腐蚀趋势。
Noise source of outdoor units is obtained by sound intensity method and characteristic of noise spectrum of outdoor units is investigated by spectrum analysis. 采用声强法对室外机噪声源分布进行了详细的测量,结合频谱分析手段分析了室外机主要噪声频谱特征。